hehe I sleep with a signman!
Self taught - and it's one major learning curve when you have to know a little
bit about everything (metal fab., carpentry, design/layout etc.)
My husband on the other hand has been making signs for about 18 years now I guess. He's a fabricator by trade.
I went to Rutgers for Psychology...got my degree, and then did a bit of grad work. Started working for a photographer (yeah,,,that degree really got some use

in NY to make some money to pay for that friggin degree and just stuck with it for about 6 -7 years.
Have done production/styling/assisting...we traveled around shooting portfolios for Hotels (
www.loewshotels.com is one comp) with a group from a design firm...so basically an entire crew. It was FUN, but too much for me as I got older. OOOh getting long here....long story short, John (husband) always wanted to start his own side biz (already had a plotter)
Then one day the photographer and I got in a fight (think bros/sis relationship) - and now we have that biz for about 6 years, and John doesn't even know our customers anymore LOL
He will fabricate/install/pinstripe and I do the rest.
Sign message boards and every magazine and book I could get my hands on helped me out tremendously in the beginning, for John got pretty sick of me calling his cell all day asking him stupid questions LOL
uhmmmm what is 'contour' or 'trim'