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Does anyone get free shipping on their Banner Materials?


Merchant Member
Just curious if anyone offers free freight on Banner rolls, I am seconds away from closing a huge contract with a well known brand and I am getting my pricing setup but it seems really difficult to do free shipping on banner. I will have 4 nationwide locations to ship from but wanted some feedback from the family.



I'd probably order more from you if we did - but the shipping costs always puts you way above other options for us. The question is, does anyone not get free shipping? Most vendors do have a minimum order size ranging from $75 to $125 to get free shipping though. We pretty much get free shipping from every distributor we use.


New Member
While it's not completely free I get very minimal shipping/handling charges from Grimco. For example, a 30" by 115 ft roll was $3.96

Mr. Sign Pro

New Member
I get free shipping from just about all my vendors (Fellers, Advantage, Proveer) on anything I order with a minimum order. I know for fact I could give you more business if you offered free shipping with a minimum order.


I get free shipping on any size order (yes even 1 sheet of coro) from Harbor and orders over $100 at Fellers since i don't order much from them.


Premium Subscriber
It might take some time but have your tried to work out a contract with UPS or FedEx for a better rate. If you have a steady volume of shipments I'm sure you could use that and your four locations to leverage a better rate, maybe even a flat rate.


Merchant Member
That's great thanks for the input I have some great ideas now to work through. I will fill you all in on what I am able to do in the next few days.


New Member
Always like having more options to buy from.

With the exception of our Summa supplies, we don't pay for shipping directly. I know they have it figured in to the costs anyway, but the prices I get are always shipped.
We get free shipping for all orders over 100 from the suppliers we use. Since you really can't buy anything for less than that I would say everything is free. If u only need something small just add something to get to 100 because saving on shipping really adds up.


Art! Hot and fresh.
free shipping here on just about everything. Banners, in particular ... i can get my blanks (2x4's, 3x6's, etc) free shipped if it's about 5-10 banners.


New Member
I get free shipping from most of my vendors on orders with a minimum of $75, and one vendor with a reasonable $3.96 fuel charge. If I had to pay for shipping, I would change vendors....



New Member
I should have mentioned Free shipping is only from certain vendors for sign supplies.Specialized vendors such as Gyford, BN Industries etc warrants no free shipping.


New Member
Free shipping on every item not in stock at my local Fellers. Doesn't matter size of order or how many locations they have to ship it from. I know they get it back in the end, but it sure feels good to call and just get a flat price on something and never have to worry about surprises when the invoice comes.