I have always used it as a "guide" and I like the overhead sheet (FireSprints is better though

The vehicles part is pretty close to what is being charged in my area. I use the vehicle prices as a "rough estimate" (with a few changes). Lots of the other prices are off but my pricing guide is set-up pretty much just like this one. I really like how they break down the vehicle pricing and I'm super careful about doing any "rough estimates" - I always make sure to check my guide so I don't forget anything and also it's good for upselling. I like that they have basic, intermediate, complex, pair of doors, secondary copy, license, box truck, tailgate, sizes of banners, etc. - these little reminders are super important not to overlook and I think pricing does go by these basic concepts. You can change the prices but the set-up of the guide has been very helpful to me.
In my price binder I have a copy of the SC prices for each category along with some other online prices and prices of my competitors. If I'm doing an important or large estimate there's no harm in having multiple other prices to compare it to.