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Dogs can be expensive!!


Active Member
Best Wishes Tim! I've spent more on medical for 1 of my dogs than any one of my three children ever needed. (Knock on wood)
One of my dogs also had the same surgery on both knees. OUCH


New Member
My dog Toby wished Harley a speedy recovery!!

Good luck to Harley!!!

Maybe you could mfg a fake health card for him eh?

Keith Rae

New Member
Have a neighbor who just built a new fence around his property. His dog would jump the old one and get hit by a cars on the road. It came down to it is cheaper to build a new fence than to pay another vet bill.


New Member
hope all goes OK for your Harley and I am so glad to hear that you are willing and able to take care of your dog.

my great big 26 pound cat has issues and has to have special food, meds and enemas. my other cat has issues with his guns and had to have 7 teeth pulled and will need to have more. my black cat (my avatar) is so far so good. the cost are high to keep them healthy but it is part of being a pet owner. when I see them running and playing, sleeping in the sun and enjoying a good neck scratching, it all seems right and OK.

I'm thinking of looking into pet insurance but not sure if they would be able to get it as both have pre-existing issues and I'm not sure if it works the same as human insurance when it comes to that.


New Member
$3500!? and you have done this already with the other knee??
How much is a new dog (with brand new knees)?? Maybe you can get one and use it for parts? LOL! Good luck!

I don't I'd pay $3500 to fix MY OWN knees, fido is screwed!

Tim Aucoin

New Member
$3500!? and you have done this already with the other knee??
How much is a new dog (with brand new knees)?? Maybe you can get one and use it for parts? LOL! Good luck!

I don't I'd pay $3500 to fix MY OWN knees, fido is screwed!

Thanks jiarby... you made my morning!! I'm a little stressed... we dropped Harley off this morning... will pick him up after work. All should be fine, as this is very routine, but I still worry about our little guy!
Again... I truly appreciate all the well wishes and support. You are amazing friends and I love you all!



New Member
Again... I truly appreciate all the well wishes and support

it warms my heart to hear that some one is willing to put the money down to care for their four legged family members as so many dogs and cats each year are put down for no other reason than lack of money to pay the vet.

Tim Aucoin

New Member
Got a call from the vet... Harleys surgery went great and he's recovering wonderfully! He woke up in some pain, so they gave him low dose morphine. She says he'll be just fine!! We pick him up on the way home tonight!! :clapping: Maybe I'll post some post-surgery pics!!?? :rolleyes:


Premium Subscriber
Please autograph his lamp-shade collar for me if they give him one............. :clapping:

Otherwise, just give him some doggie treats. :toasting:


New Member
owwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrr ru ruuuuu orrrrrHarley. ggrrrrrr wrrgggrrt ppppphhhhht.... wroarf wroarf wroarg wroog rig rog wrrrrrrrrorooog woof woff - mosh RAR RAR RARn't GRR GRR GRRRRARF ARF!

wruff wruff erooooooogfFFF --- SCHLURPn't! ...(wruph ywowwruuuurrr I I I I) ruhhhhfff grrrrwoof aaaaahhhhrr gr... rarroof owwwwrrrrrr ruf rut RUT ROE

ahroomm arhroommmm ahhhhhhhhrooooooomf - SKWRIL! :thumb:



I'm sorry to hear of the surgery Harley. That bites soggy dog biscuits.... Bless your lucky stars Tim's taking care of you and Mosh isn't your primary care giver.

What ever you do, --- DON'T LICK IT! ....(I mean your stitches) or you'll get the cone of shame... and we all know how EMBARASSING THAT IS.

Wishing a speedy recovery - and that you'll be chasing squirrels soon! :thumb:



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