New Member
I just renewed my biz license and there was a $4 fee for disability access. Hmm. Ok but why does the state need that money. So looking at it al little more in detail I can only figure that it is to fund distribution of marijuana to those with prescriptions. It references SB 1186 but there seem to be amendments to that which creates the $4 tax (fee in government terms). This is in addition to the $7 per employee tax (fee in government terms) to provide training to the unemployed (yes, each employed person you have makes you responsible for training an unemployed person) and the $800 minimum tax (yes they call that one a tax) for the privilege of doing business in The PRC. Add on to that that the PRC can come into your business at any time and assess your assets to charge a fee (tax) on anything they think you have not purchased and paid a sales tax on.
So when your city has previous PRC companies relocating to your neck of the woods, now you know why.
So when your city has previous PRC companies relocating to your neck of the woods, now you know why.