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Drilling Stone

Joe Crumley

New Member

Well, there's one reason he may be having problems. There are drills with a ratchet action which are sometimes mistaken for hammer drills.

A true hammer drill, as you say, will make childs play out of most stone and brick.


Active Member

Well, there's one reason he may be having problems. There are drills with a ratchet action which are sometimes mistaken for hammer drills.

A true hammer drill, as you say, will make childs play out of most stone and brick.

As far as I know, there are only hammer drills and rotary hammers. A hammer drill has the ratcheting action. A rotary hammer has the piston action and is far superior to the hammer drill. But even so, a good hammer drill with a good bit won't have any issues drilling what he's drilling.

I'm the biggest proponent you'll find for finding an excuse to buy a new tool, and if he has the money to blow, I say buy everything everyone mentioned...generator, rotary hammer, etc. But if he rarely does this type of work like it sounds, there's no reason the work can't be completed with the tool he has.

P.S. The work on your site looks great!

Joe Crumley

New Member

I think you're right with the description however it's unlikely anyone would go to a store and request Rotary Hammer. The catch all term is Hammer Drill thus the confusion.

Like you, I only need a good excuse to purchase new equipment. At one time I only bought the best brands. Today I sometimes buy a cheeeepie product and consider it as disposable.

If your best friend asks to borrow your prized equipment for a little job, give him a hug and say NO.

Joe Crumley


New Member
For only 3 3/16"holes you could have just used one of these no electric needed!


  • star bit.jpg
    star bit.jpg
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New Member
I like how y'all get on here and tear some dude apart for being sign hacks and they are driving the market down but then post pictures of the cheap Harbor Freight CRAP you bought that by all means drove the market down for the companies that are making quality pieces of equipment.


New Member
Here's what we recently got to replace our old one.... also from Harbor Freight. This works like a champ. We also have an on-board unit on the rear deck of our bucket truck. That one is much higher HP.

Dude even has a Proud American logo as his avatar but doesn't blink an eye at buying strait off the boat from CHINA!! Gotta love it!

John Butto

New Member
What is wrong with buying from China. Other countries buy from us, we buy from them, that is called a free market. China may not have one, but that is another story. I don't get the analogy of sign hacks and buying from Harbor Freight. Sign hacks in the US buy their product for the same price as others in US. In China they can produce their raw goods cheaper then we can and their government can regulate labor cost with no unions and such being involved. No wonder you are sign hacks, you were sleeping in class when we went over this.


Premium Subscriber
I like how y'all get on here and tear some dude apart for being sign hacks and they are driving the market down but then post pictures of the cheap Harbor Freight CRAP you bought that by all means drove the market down for the companies that are making quality pieces of equipment.

Hey Twitt........ not once did I poke fun or call the OP a hack.

Dude even has a Proud American logo as his avatar but doesn't blink an eye at buying strait off the boat from CHINA!! Gotta love it!

Like you Twitt...... the dude has a name and I never saw the boat from China.

Twitt, you find me an all American made generator in that size and possibly even close to the price range, then we'll talk.


New Member
Name calling shows your intelligence.

find me an all American made generator in that size and possibly even close to the price range, then we'll talk.

Quality over price......isn't that how you sell your signs?


Premium Subscriber
Okay Twitty the genius...... since that's a sign of intelligence in your village. Put your real name up there and maybe I'll have something to go on besides some tiddlywink sounding name. You got a problem, that's one thing, but talking out your bunghole doesn't quite cut it.

So then, allow me to re-phrase........... show me an all American made generator in the same size capacity..... forget the cost.


New Member
tdewitt............Travis DeWitt.

You have the same mentality as a lot of people so I won't fault you. I deal with electronics all day every day.

Take LED drivers for instance......assuming you know what an LED driver is......It doesn't have to be made in America to have the American quality of design and strict specs. There are Great LED drives and REALLY REALLY Bad ones. Those bad ones are undercutting the good ones just like you're supporting the undercutting of quality companies by purchasing crap from Harbor Freight.

In the same sense you get mad when you loose a sale due to someone undercutting you. It's really not that hard of a concept to understand....it's just you can't admit that you're wrong for purchasing CRAP!

John Butto

New Member
Chinese do not produce crap, and no I am not Chinese, they invented gunpowder, paper and of course spices that Marco Polo bought back. But, they can produce things cheeper than us because of what I have stated before. The only time you are going to bring the signmaking market down is by buying your printer, which by the way comes from Japan or China, and producing your signs at a cheaper cost than your competitor. Do you think Gino passes on his savings to the customer from buying a cheaper generator than US made generator. So the only way for you to beat Gino in Signs is to move nearby and take over his customer base with cheaper prices and that is not going to happen. The main problem is you have no respect for your elders, the minute something is said you fight back with "the same mentality", which means you have had this arguement before.


New Member
You sir owe me a new keyboard, the Pepsi that was in my mouth while reading that is now all over my keyboard and it will be impossible to clean!

Yeah I have no respect for my elders.......the ones that fought and died for my freedoms. The same freedoms that I am not so sure that you stand for....with the comment you made above about the government being able to control the labor force without unions....I left that one alone until now, but I'm pretty sure Joseph Stalin would agree with.

Come on man I'm sure you're smarter then that!