So I am STILL working on getting this machine (VS-640) up and running. Day after day I run into a new issue once one problem is fixed it's on to another. They all seem to stem from the original problem with color drop out. The machine has been sitting for about a month due to a broken tab on the cap carriage (the head was not capping properly due to this; it was off-set). I had it capped manually but couldn't leave it plugged in due to the broken tab. So I got the tab fixed and when I fire it up I have some drop out on some channels while some others are just fine. Do a head clean and things get worse. Powerful cleaning causes even some of my good channels to loose a significant amount of dots. My magenta that was printing about 60% drops completely off. And most of the other colors show a 10-50% loss after cleaning. Caps and dampers have been replaced about 5 times so that shouldn't be the issue. Can the pump be bad? It's pumping but during a heavy clean it isn't putting much ink into the bottle like I remember it used to. Open to suggestions.