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Eclipse watching

Signarama Jockey

New Member
Piled the family into the car and drove up to Ohio to see it. The weather reports weren't encouraging, but the day of, the skies were relatively clear and we got a beautiful show. We were in totality for about 3 minutes. Really magical experience.

Almost 12 hours in a car for 3 minutes and I'd say it was worth the trade.


On a side note, my friend gave all his employees off today because he thinks we are going to have an EMP.
We had the day off, just to avoid paying folks for the hour of gawking they'd be doing.

I taped two pieces of mylar together for a wide screen viewer, to hell with trying to keep those glasses on a 2 year old. Fired up the grill, hung out in the backyard for a couple hours, the park behind my house was packed and the cheers as it went black were fun.


New Member
When I was out for my walk this morning here in commieland I saw this, it looks to be an eclipse but there was no mention of it online that I saw.

Signarama Jockey

New Member
Oh, I was excited for a minute, I thought that you got a picture of the Comet. That's Venus in the middle of the frame. The comet would have been on the upper left corner of the pic. Wonder if you played with the levels you could find it.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
I was talking about the thing down low off to the left - shooting into the trees.

Signarama Jockey

New Member
I was talking about the thing down low off to the left - shooting into the trees.
Yeah, I see. When the eclipse was about to start we realized that the comet would technically be in view. It should be on the opposite side of Venus (so, in the upper left of the picture). We couldn't see it, though.

I have to admit that when I first saw the pic, and read your comment, I thought that he might have gotten a better angle than us. It looks like a comet, at least - just not in the right spot.


Quit buggin' me
It's amazing how just a little bit of the sun lights up everything so much. Right before it went completely dark it's still surprising light... 1 or 2% of sun is a lot.
Tex did you get a briefing from your Rep Jackson Lee before attempting to watch the eclipse?