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Edge FX Cassette Not Aligning - Take-Up Roller Not Turning.


New Member
Good morning all from a wet UK

My Gerber Edge FX has a problem! When I insert a cassette the take-up roller is not being 'engaged' into the drive gear (hope I explained that adequately) The drive engagement should happen when the cassette lowers for printing - I believe a push mechanism on the left should push the roller to engage it in the drive on the right, on my FX the push from the left side of the cassette doesn't happen and consequently the roller doesn't turn taking up the used foil.

Anyone who understands what I've typed :) :) have any ideas?

Thank you


Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
Most of the time when I see this, it's with an old caddy. The springs that prevent the foil from spooling off when not in the Edge will either get bent, wear a larger hole in the plastic or some other wear causes them to not align with the dog on the casting that is supposed to disengage it and possibly prevent the caddy from seating properly. 2 things you can try to get past this -
1. pull the pins out completely with a pair of needle nose pliers.
2. Try using a new or little used caddy and see if the problem persists.

Other than that, it could be the caddy sensors or foil motor going out.

Good luck


New Member
Thanks Joe for taking the time to reply :)

I know the take-up motor is turning as I can see it, the problem is, the roller is not meeting the drive cog! I have been successful in pushing the cassette over so the cog & roller do meet BUT, this is very 'hit & miss'.

The problem appears to be with the shiny disc/piston isn't sliding out to push the take-up roller onto the drive cog!

I've now taken the Gerber FX lid off and will investigate further tomorrow.

Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
Clean all those sliding parts carefully with some Isopropyl alcohol, then put a drop of 3 in 1 oil on them. Sometimes the grease on those will harden or collect dust and will lock things up.


New Member
I discovered the issue!! Pictures might help.

The alignment 'shiny disc' (left) was held on by glue and the spring beneath is missing but I have found it! This disc is used to push the take-up foil roller onto the drive gear, this wasn't happening. The shiny disc was wobbling around and just fell off when I was checking it. The small screw holding the disc on had snapped - no idea as yet how I can rectify this!


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New Member
Now, how to remove the broken threads and repair!

I wonder if parts are available?
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New Member
You are going to have to remove the broken screw- without damaging the female side threads. See youtube on how to remove a broken bolt or screw.

Then remove the other good piece- and find a screw at a hardware store to match.
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New Member
I must thank all those who provided ideas and support, as a result, I've managed to carry out a temporary fix with a permanent fix on Tuesday when more suitable parts arrive i.e. 3mm stainless rod & 3mm domed nuts :)

Thanks again, I'm so grateful :)


New Member
Hello, can you tell me how you got that piece out of the machine? I have had the same problem, when trying to remove a cartridge I broke that piece.
Thank you in advance.