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Need Help Edge Fx Printer Rewinds to far from registration mark


New Member

Recently my Edge FX printer is having an issue that's a pain in the ass.

Printing a 3 color spot job. Silver, Red, black

1. SIlver prints and makes the registration mark.
2. Then it rewinds back and before the next color starts printing I open the machine.
3. I can tell that the machine went too far past the home mark.

I have to stop the job and rehome. Then I have to change the color order. Than print.

Is there something mechanical that needs to be fixed or is It a software issue?



New Member
How far past rehome are we talking?

edit: do you start every job at home position?

Yes I home the job and when it prints the second color the printer rewinds nack halfway eating the registration mark. Only way I have been able to trouble shoot is to stop job, move the first color down and re home and start print again. Such a tedious problem I would neve have to do before.


New Member
What you are explaining sound like you punch pattern is not correct. are you using Gerber product or some other, the company punching them may have an issue with the process/machine they are using.


New Member
I am using substance, ill try a gerber one and see if that will fix it. However I have used it for over 5 years now and never had this problem until recently.


New Member
sounds like your home sensor isnt working or is dirty - hidden behind the front panel - I have an image of it somewhere


New Member


  • upload_2021-1-15_11-34-14.png
    345.4 KB · Views: 135


New Member
quick question when you hit home does it go to the home position? If yes them I would think the home position sensor is working, if not them try cleaning it, or replace it