FX Foils
You can print ZeroNine & Duracoat in the FX (and old Edge II foils if you know how).
You still have use different profiles for those foils but it will work.
But don't tell anyone
Shameless Commerce Ahead!
I'm biased to the FX as
1) I use it exclusively - sold all our Edge IIs
2) Sell & Support the FX.
3) Find the Edge II annoying due to the lack networking and lifting the hood everytime
4) Viable market for finding a "good" Edge II dwindles by the day
5) Upkeep on Edge II is going to get worse/$
6) Moving from Edge II to the FX requires "Change" as it is "Different"
7) We have a lot of customers doing a lot of business (Thank you!) with the FX
8) It is a bit "Greener" in that it is a dry process
9) Allows you to jump into other markets with the enVision cutters
10) Sprocket-fed media makes printin & cutting pretty much a fire-and-forget task.
If you are doing wide-format stuff - buy an inkjet (think EPA & OSHA)
You will will need to learn the software - the key to doing well with Gerber
Jeff Duran
Marketing Director
Graphic Marking Systems
28457 N. Ballard Dr. Suite A1
Lake Forest, IL 60045
www.graphicms.com |
www.ConvexVinyl.com |
847-582-9276x29 | 800-232-8018x29 | FX 888-232-8019