So I finally got the machine to print correctly yesterday. Come into my office today and it's beeping the 110 error. So I figure maybe the encoder is dirty so I clean it. No change. Replace the reader/eye (since I just so happen to have one laying around) still no go. I hadn't even tried to turn the machine on yet as it was just getting this error after being plugged in for a minute and the machine kicks on to recirculate ink. Finally decide to try to turn the machine on and get the temperature is too high (212F). I unplug the machine for a few hours, plug it back in and it still gives me the same error. Obviously there is a temperature sensor problem because it wouldn't stay that hot for hours unplugged. Thermistor check in service menu shows this high temperature. But not sure what to look for/clean/replace for that one since I can't find any information other than the print/dryer thermistor (which both read normal). The diagram for the head thermistor shows the entire head circled for it. So does the entire head need replaced?
I can replace the encoder strip once I get this temp issue figured out. But also wondering if the two are related since I didn't have either error yesterday.
I can replace the encoder strip once I get this temp issue figured out. But also wondering if the two are related since I didn't have either error yesterday.