So our new L260 is about 2 months old and we've not done a huge lot of printing yet, yesturday I run a longer job with a black gradient and got a 14:10:00 error near the end of the print. I know it has to do with the heater but the tech said to turn down minimum drying power to 0.8 or 0.9 in the RIP, now it's set at 1.2.
The LCD screen also flickered just somewhat before, was off maybe half a second and came back on. The machine also wiggles a lot in my opinion when printing compared to Rolands.
So: the tech will be here tomorrow but should I have him check something specific at the same time?
Have any of you had this error?
Does your machine wiggle a lot when printing?
What is your setting for minimum drying power?
Thanks a lot, getting nervous about strange codes that makes me waste material...
The LCD screen also flickered just somewhat before, was off maybe half a second and came back on. The machine also wiggles a lot in my opinion when printing compared to Rolands.
So: the tech will be here tomorrow but should I have him check something specific at the same time?
Have any of you had this error?
Does your machine wiggle a lot when printing?
What is your setting for minimum drying power?
Thanks a lot, getting nervous about strange codes that makes me waste material...