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NY Experience with Summa S class 2??

Does anyone have experience or thoughts on Summa S class 2 (more specifically T140) looking to purchase because of the take up roll option.


New Member
I have the take up option on the 160 (6 or 7 years old maybe?), but the opportunity to use it doesn't come up as often as I expected because I'm typically running 1 job at a time.

You either need a healthy front leader to tape up to the reel (probably 2 to 3 feet worth, because it has to reach down below the plotter, wrap underneath a secondary roll holder and then to the core, with enough slack to trigger the optical sensor) -- OR -- you need to send multiple jobs at a time so the first job can be spooled up after it's done processing, ready to start the 2nd job.
Why? Because... for example... a weed border is going to cut after all the other graphics have been cut, so if you try to put it on the take up reel (with no leader) after the first 3 or 4 feet have been cut, the plotter will try to yank it back off the take up reel to finish the last pass.... if that makes sense.

That being said... if you're going to run multiple jobs back to back on the same material (on a regular basis), and generally have a decent amount of volume, then you could probably see more use out of it.

Hope that helps!