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Fast signs TV ad


New Member
Anyone see their ad on TV. That's a first a sign co advertising on TV.
Your thoughts.

Red Ball

Seasoned Citizen
Fast Signs ad runs on Fox News frequently here in DFW.
Rather attractive woman would'nt you say?


Go Bills!
i had one on TV about 10 years ago.

they played during Buffalo Sabres hockey games. was pretty cool at the time, 10G though....


New Member
I'm just curious what the rate of return was on any of these ads and if the franchisor was paying for them, or the franchisee? Or if it was coop advertising. You have to sell a lot of banners to pay for television air time.


Premium Subscriber
We've run commercials on local stations for years. Not constant, but strategic times. The return seems to be pretty good. We have regulars who say they saw them and some new people who will say they saw our ad and remembered us.


New Member
Marketing by other shops creates product awareness......Sales people on the ground can convert that interest into sales for your shop...