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Feels great to fire someone



Had someone who i had done some graphics for in the past contact me today after they stop using me for someone cheaper. They email me and say "How is your 2012 prices, Can you give us a deal?" I replied, "No Thanks" and they send back a email saying "I know prices are hard to beat, Good luck". I then reply back "I am doing well, i don't worry about beating anyone's prices as i deliver a quality product with great customer service". They said "Yes you do, Times are hard for us all. Have a good day"

Feels good to stand up and not take anyone's crap! :thumb:


Merchant Member
Ya know what John....you're right. It does feel good to fire someone like that. I get it constantly to be honest. "We love your quality....but can you do better on pricing??" Sometimes in order to see if I'll get more work out of them, I'll take a job after getting the price up a little higher. Then the next time they come asking for the same deal I tell them the previous pricing is NOT standard and this job now cannot discounted. If they go with someone else, good luck to them and I'll see them next time when the prints are crappy and they want to deal with a quality conscious printer.


Ya know what John....you're right. It does feel good to fire someone like that. I get it constantly to be honest. "We love your quality....but can you do better on pricing??" Sometimes in order to see if I'll get more work out of them, I'll take a job after getting the price up a little higher. Then the next time they come asking for the same deal I tell them the previous pricing is NOT standard and this job now cannot discounted. If they go with someone else, good luck to them and I'll see them next time when the prints are crappy and they want to deal with a quality conscious printer.

What gets me is, you wholesale so why does you discounting your pricing need to be a factor when all the customer needs to do is use correct mark up based off your pricing and that's the price. That's the way i see things like that, I don't ask my supplier to discount their substrates or roll of vinyl....

It's always funny that they use you in the beginning, find someone cheaper and stop using you, then they come back to you. It's hilarious.


Merchant Member
What gets me is, you wholesale so why does you discounting your pricing need to be a factor when all the customer needs to do is use correct mark up based off your pricing and that's the price. That's the way i see things like that, I don't ask my supplier to discount their substrates or roll of vinyl....

It's always funny that they use you in the beginning, find someone cheaper and stop using you, then they come back to you. It's hilarious.

It seems to be a factor quite often. But youre right...our pricing shouldnt be a factor.


New Member
That's awesome. I'm to that same point. Had a real jack wagon call me this week saying "I have a tow truck I want lettered to stand out. I don't just want plain mailbox crap on it, I don't care if it's pink smiley faces, I just want it to stand out". I told him I'd email him some of my work and he could decide if my "style" was for him or not.

If he wants me to do it...he's going to make it worth my time w/ his checkbook. He comes to me about once every two years. I think it's when the other place in town tells him to shove it.


New Member
I had a guy call me yesterday, chew me out because I hadn't called him back. I said "Who is this?". He told me. I said "I have no idea who you are. I've never heard of you before". He said he emailed me a week ago and I didn't answer him. I opened my email. No filters on that account at all, and no email from him.

He said "Your website makes it hard to find an email address. Apparently you don't want people emailing you business requests". I said "No Sir, you are incorrect, we welcome business emails, but we list our email spelled out so that automated programs don't harvest our emails and fill out inbox with spam".

Then he tells me that he's got a website and he, and everyone else out there with a website deal with it, so we should to.

I was about 10 seconds from telling him to go F himself. He really chapped my butt.

Then, after he got through all his complaining, he wants to know "How much is a sign?".......................

I managed to get through it all and I have an appointment to meet him at his office to do a nice sized wall logo. I hope he doesn't need a medic when I give him the price, with the new PITA increase on it.


I had a guy call me yesterday, chew me out because I hadn't called him back. I said "Who is this?". He told me. I said "I have no idea who you are. I've never heard of you before". He said he emailed me a week ago and I didn't answer him. I opened my email. No filters on that account at all, and no email from him.

He said "Your website makes it hard to find an email address. Apparently you don't want people emailing you business requests". I said "No Sir, you are incorrect, we welcome business emails, but we list our email spelled out so that automated programs don't harvest our emails and fill out inbox with spam".

Then he tells me that he's got a website and he, and everyone else out there with a website deal with it, so we should to.

I was about 10 seconds from telling him to go F himself. He really chapped my butt.

Then, after he got through all his complaining, he wants to know "How much is a sign?".......................

I managed to get through it all and I have an appointment to meet him at his office to do a nice sized wall logo. I hope he doesn't need a medic when I give him the price, with the new PITA increase on it.


About the wholesale pricing, wholesale pricing is typically discounted greatly AND price isn't everything. I deal with who i get my wholesale with because the prices are good, prints are great and custom service is there.


Merchant Member

About the wholesale pricing, wholesale pricing is typically discounted greatly AND price isn't everything. I deal with who i get my wholesale with because the prices are good, prints are great and custom service is there.
