$15 a month to backup unlimited data to google drive -
A 10 TB Mechanical HD is about $200 right now.
So my cheapo, 10 year server PC can run truenas, Realtime sync to the cloud, and to a 10 TB Mechanical, for very, very cheap. I'm fighting with our current IT because they don't want to take our server off of raid incase a HD fails... It's the same argument... right now it's setup in mirroring... Why pay for 2X the HDs (These are server hds, so like $200 a TB, when you can run it raidless... and have a backup option for a fraction of the price? I don't mind Fast SAS drives to dish out the files, but I'm not paying a premium to back them up when I'll be mirroring it to a NAS...
Their argument is it takes days to get a new HD in, so if one fails we'll be done for a week. My argument is I'm mirroring the whole thing to a secondary NAS, so if one fails we update our DNS records and point it to the clone, and we're back up in seconds
I'm not arguing that ECC isn't better, or using a not near the end of "Specified" life isnt better - For critical stuff, it's a no brainer. But for a file serving dishing out 5 TB worth of data.... 5% Of shops even have a backup option, then 99% of those shops buy a shitty external USB and back data up to it once a month and call it a day.
Theres different use cases for different hardware / software! Nothing I do is ever critical enough for me to spend on ECC ram, or spend on HD's to raid.
Even at home - I have 180 TB Of HD's at home...some are 2 TB HD's from 15 years ago. When a drive fails... I pop it out, replace it with a new 10 TB, then run my backup software and within I get close to 1 TB re-downloaded a day - so even if a 10 TB died... I'd have my data back in 10 days, at the cost of $15 a month. (Less if I cheat and use multiple accounts). And in the meantime...if theres a file I need right away, I just access it from the cloud and download it right away.
I'd never recommend a shop with so much data do what I do - but I also think a Re-purposed PC running truenas will be better for a shop than a Synology is... Even if it's a 15 year old re-purposed machine...so long as the Hd's arent that old. $7 a month for blackblaze unlimited backup - $15 a month for google- Theres so many cheap backup options... not ones I'd trust my If I dont have this file, I'm screwed stuff with - but with multiple accounts, and a secondary local backup... I'm more protected than the hospitals paying thousands using a DATO / Tape backups.
So, your points are valid about whats "Best" and "Best practice"! But do you really think A signshop printing banners needs such a comprehensive storage / backup solution? Most people on here use the same PC For printing / artwork / file storage... switching to something like a truenas, or even just a nas, is a pretty good / big step... scaring them off telling them they need enterprise equipment that'll cost them $15K to do it properly just makes them stick to their current solution