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First game of NFL football tonight


Arial - it's almost helvetica
So, I'm not a fan of professional sports in general, but my hubby loves to watch NFL. living in WA state - it's all about the Seahawks! But my guy also loves Green Bay. That said... today he's watching the Sunday game, and we are wondering where all of the cheering is coming from - the stands are empty! I know the Hawks need 12th man and all - but are they faking the crowd cheering - like canned laughter in a sitcom?! wow. way to make it real NFL! Going back to never trust what I see on tv philosophy. I try, but then I feel misled. does it ever end?! with anything?! ok, rant over :)
I watched clemson last night and it's the same, MLB too. I watched a little WWE a few months ago and they don't use fake background noise, fake wrestling in virtual silence, it was just weird. Late night talk shows without the crowds laughing are about the same and unwatchable to me. It's like watching a comic totally bomb, punchline after punchline with no response. So anyways, it may seem dumb but the alternative is worse


Quit buggin' me
My wife watches the European league football (soccer) and they are piping in the canned cheering, so same as before the lockdowns. The UFC is running sans spectators and now it is so quiet you can hear both teams coaching their fighters along with all the impacts from the strikes - good stuff.


New Member
Made our minds up that we would not show any support for Anyone or any sport that changes the standard National Anthem playing at an American Sport. . Not a political statement.


Active Member
So, I'm not a fan of professional sports in general, but my hubby loves to watch NFL. living in WA state - it's all about the Seahawks! But my guy also loves Green Bay. That said... today he's watching the Sunday game, and we are wondering where all of the cheering is coming from - the stands are empty! I know the Hawks need 12th man and all - but are they faking the crowd cheering - like canned laughter in a sitcom?! wow. way to make it real NFL! Going back to never trust what I see on tv philosophy. I try, but then I feel misled. does it ever end?! with anything?! ok, rant over :)

As a fellow Washitonian and Seahawks fan, I too watched today's game. Yes the crowd noise is artificial and annoying when not real. I shut off the volume and turned on the radio to KIRO and Steve Raible. Better play by play calling for the Seahawk fans. The 7 second delay between TV and Radio also allows for one to get up for another libation or more snacks without missing the key plays on TV.


Very Active Signmaker
As a fellow Washitonian and Seahawks fan, I too watched today's game. Yes the crowd noise is artificial and annoying when not real. I shut off the volume and turned on the radio to KIRO and Steve Raible. Better play by play calling for the Seahawk fans. The 7 second delay between TV and Radio also allows for one to get up for another libation or more snacks without missing the key plays on TV.
Ya'll still alive out there? I watched video of the smoke on the west coast thinking that has to be doing damage to peoples lungs.


Dammit, make it faster!!
We enjoyed going to high school football games when the boys were in school and watched many college and pro ball but something has killed it altogether for me and many others. There are many other things in life to enjoy and stay busy without sitting on the couch for hours. And from what I've seen way too many people have been doing nothing but sitting on the couch. Love fishing because it's about being out away from all the riff raff and hustle and bustle. I strive to be a useful person. A consider myself a "doer" not a "complainer". p.s. I've got work to do

Stacey K

I like making signs
Instead of watching the game yesterday we spent the day canning tomatoes, dug up the potatoes, onions, garlic and picked the gourds and sold the rest of the corn. The gourd trellis my sister insisted we plant was all great until the leaves started dying back. Kinda a Pinterest fail...but we did get some nice gourds LOL More work than it was worth!!!


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Premium Subscriber
Nice yield !!

Wife canned 35 quarts of tomatoes about 3 weeks ago. Our corn didn't make it. Died back at the last minute, while I was gone. We just put about 200 onions away out of about 400 harvested. Peppers were really good this year and she made lotsa fried peppers and onions and froze them. Same with the eggplant. Blueberries and rhubarb has long been gone, but she managed to freeze a buncha rhubarb, so we can have some pies over the winter months.

Stacey K

I like making signs
Nice yield !!

Wife canned 35 quarts of tomatoes about 3 weeks ago. Our corn didn't make it. Died back at the last minute, while I was gone. We just put about 200 onions away out of about 400 harvested. Peppers were really good this year and she made lotsa fried peppers and onions and froze them. Same with the eggplant. Blueberries and rhubarb has long been gone, but she managed to freeze a buncha rhubarb, so we can have some pies over the winter months.
WOW! That's a great yeild too! My peppers didn't do the best this year. I think I had them planted too close together and some plants didn't get enough sun? Our corn was a little too weedy and we only got about half the harvest we expected. As always, too many pickles so we pulled the plants early LOL


Premium Subscriber
How do you know they're all boys ?? That;s pretty neat, you even bag 'em with labels. Was that a latex printer or mild solvent ?? Kerning is a little off here & there......................


Premium Subscriber
Did ya ever look at the other side of an apple ?? It's shaped like a.....a..... a something or other. Actually an apple has both sexes, so they need a transgender card to cross-pollinate...... or go to the bathroom. and you juice them...... Ahhhhhh.......:eek:.


Active Member
Ya'll still alive out there? I watched video of the smoke on the west coast thinking that has to be doing damage to peoples lungs.

Yep, still alive ...last I checked.
Worst air quality on earth right now. Luckily I had an air filtration system and air conditioning put in last year. Most all of my work is either in-house or in an enclosed climate controlled environment / shops.
Despite what you hear in the news, the majority of the fires are being set by Anarchists / ANTIFA.
Despite what authorities say, there IS plenty of evidence to the matter and it's getting worse.


Very Active Signmaker
Yep, still alive ...last I checked.
Worst air quality on earth right now. Luckily I had an air filtration system and air conditioning put in last year. Most all of my work is either in-house or in an enclosed climate controlled environment / shops.
Despite what you hear in the news, the majority of the fires are being set by Anarchists / ANTIFA.
Despite what authorities say, there IS plenty of evidence to the matter and it's getting worse.

On our local news they said they arrested a dude TWICE for setting a bunch of blazes. Some are caused lightning and one caused by a gender reveal party...


Active Member
On our local news they said they arrested a dude TWICE for setting a bunch of blazes. Some are caused lightning and one caused by a gender reveal party...

Yes that guy was one of a number of people that did the same in WA, OR, and CA.
Many states including those noted, have an amazing "Lightning Strike Detection and Tracking System". No such "Fire Cause" strikes can be attributed to the fires. One fire in western WA is attributed to "Downed Power Lines" due to high winds.. BS Another is attributed to a tranformer blowing.. Hmmmmm. All while photos and videos continue to emerge, showing suspicious people stageing gas cans, setting fires, carrying chainsaws (in order to down power poles, etc.
Interesting how the map of fires seem to show a pattern in all states affected with the most fires. The fire bugs have moved from the urban areas into the rural areas in accordance with their agenda.
I never thought I'd be praying for lots of rain and wind in the month of September rather than an Indian Summer.
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