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Fish eye


New Member
Hey there what's the cause of this? Is there any fix for it? Using a roland rf640 express with eco sol max ink arlon dpf4500glx gloss print media and arlons media profiles.


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Premium Subscriber
Hate to tell ya this kid, but that's not 'fish eye'. You either used the wrong profile or your media is contaminated.

Adam Vreeke

Knows just enough to get in a lot of trouble..
Seeing how he used Arlon's own media profile I would guess the former, that it is contaminated material.


DIY Printer Fixing Guide
Try higher heat as well. But yeah it looks like bad material or simply the profile laying down too much ink.


Rap Master
Is it the solvent or latex version of the vinyl? Looks like a coating issue that you usually only see with very cheap vinyls.


New Member
Looks like plasticizer migration, happens with old vinyl, improperly stored vinyl and material subjected to excess heat.


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Plasticizer is an ingredient in the vinyl that helps keep it stretchy and supple. If the material is old or has been exposed to high heat, the plasticizer comes out of the vinyl and contaminates the surface.
Like when you grab and old car steering wheel and it's covered in gross oily stuff.