Some years ago, I had a guy come in and want to get between 2,500 and 3,500 pieces a week from me. No way on my current flatbed could I get even close to that, but then he said, the price. Zowie-wowie...... I shopped around, found the perfect machine that could get that many done a week and still use my other flatbed for normal work. Had everything figured out, beat his price and I still made a good buck. However, I needed upfront money and non-refundable at that. Suddenly, the guy was hard to get a hold of. I gave up on the idea and about 2 months later, he wanted to know if we could start off with about 20,000 pieces. Nope, I need the order and deposit of 80,000 to start anything. The whole thing fizzled out, but I still see his signs around. Not as many as he claimed there would be, but he hadda go back to his old supplier.
Get the work first, then go out and get equipment on their money, not yours.