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Need Help Flexi 19 printing queue in random order


New Member
Does anyone know why Flexi 19 seems to print the rip queue in a random order? I've come from ergosoft and have never had this problem, if I send multiple jobs to the print queue it seems to just print whatever order it likes. It would be great to have a solution to this. I've noticed that it's a fair bit slower than ergosoft. Is there anyway to speed up the ripping, or the program in general? e.g. ssd, more ram etc? I've got 16gb of ram and pretty decent cpu.


I Drink And I Know Things
I ran across this same problem a few weeks ago. I now make sure the design I send to print is finished loading, ripping and ready to print before I send the next design. It only takes a little bit of extra time to process all the designs for an order and by doing this I can send multiple designs to cut without looking at the them.


Merchant Member
By default Production Manager would send them in order that they were done ripping. Say you send 3 files, file 1 was sent first, file 2 sent second, and file 3 sent third. If file 2 finished ripping first it would print first, followed by whatever finished ripping second.

SAi has just added a way to control this in version 19. If you click on the white arrow to the right of the printer's name in Production Manager and select Setup Properties you will get the below window. On this window you can now send files ordered by Name or when they were added to Production Manager.

how to get to setup properties.JPG Setup Properties.JPG


New Member
By default Production Manager would send them in order that they were done ripping. Say you send 3 files, file 1 was sent first, file 2 sent second, and file 3 sent third. If file 2 finished ripping first it would print first, followed by whatever finished ripping second.

SAi has just added a way to control this in version 19. If you click on the white arrow to the right of the printer's name in Production Manager and select Setup Properties you will get the below window. On this window you can now send files ordered by Name or when they were added to Production Manager.

View attachment 147647 View attachment 147646
Yes I think that did the trick, it wasn't working at first, then I saw another person saying that you have to restart the program every time you make a change, which is really annoying. I really appreciate everyone's help


New Member
By default Production Manager would send them in order that they were done ripping. Say you send 3 files, file 1 was sent first, file 2 sent second, and file 3 sent third. If file 2 finished ripping first it would print first, followed by whatever finished ripping second.

SAi has just added a way to control this in version 19. If you click on the white arrow to the right of the printer's name in Production Manager and select Setup Properties you will get the below window. On this window you can now send files ordered by Name or when they were added to Production Manager.

View attachment 147647 View attachment 147646
Well I thought it was working, but I've noticed that it's still randomly printing jobs. I think it's got to do with the HP properties option that allow continuous printing by rearranging jobs. If I uncheck that option then it won't print the jobs, it just rips them then doesn't print them.


New Member
Hey guys.
Seems that it's still an issue even with "send orders by name"
Even if I rip one by one they still randomly printed

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I Drink And I Know Things
I now send all jobs to Hold. After sending a few jobs to hold I will go to production Manager and move jobs one at a time to rip, after all have ripped I then move jobs to print one at a time.
This method has helped alot.