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Flexi and Vectors

Has anyone ever had problems with Flexi running extremly slow when dealing with several vectors. The file is made up of several peices of vector art put together. The file size is less than 1mb and it takes about 2 minutes for Flexi to do anything (i.e. saving, moving, exporting). This is a problem I have had for a couple of years now and it only happens on files that have large amounts of vectors in them. The file size is never very big. I am running Flexi Pro 8.6 on a Inferno computer from Signburst. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.



New Member
FlexiSign 10.0.5, 16gb ram, amd fx 6-core unlocked black edition processor, 1gb graphic card msi mainboard and yet i too have these same issues with flexi.


Art! Hot and fresh.
vector is different from bitmaps in the filesize will never be large unless you embed a bitmap into a vector file. also vector graphics are made up of points and the math to make an ark between those points ... that being said ... if you get a crappy livetrace from illustrator most of those can easily hit in the thousands of points for one object ... clean your points up and the program will stop locking up.
I hate to hear you have the same problem but glad I'm not alone. I just exported the portion of the file that has most of the vectors as a .eps and then brought it back in and the problem is gone. It took over 3 minutes to export the .eps. I was also watching the performance of the core and the ram and there were no spikes or changes at all.


New Member
Yep, just got done with an annual job that causes me grief for said reasons.

Having a top end computer does help. I did some benchmarking and though it still seems to take too long, upgrade are definitely worth it.

Over 100 name badge cards with schedule on the back, names filled using Auto Serialize. Times below are just for the Auto Serialize to process.

AMD Phenom 9850, 8GB, Vista 64 - 16 minutes
Intel i5 760, 8GB, Win7 64 - 6 minutes

Looking forward to seeing what my new i7 with 16GB and a SSD can pull off.


New Member
I hate to hear you have the same problem but glad I'm not alone. I just exported the portion of the file that has most of the vectors as a .eps and then brought it back in and the problem is gone. It took over 3 minutes to export the .eps. I was also watching the performance of the core and the ram and there were no spikes or changes at all.

Exactly what happens to me, nothing changes in the usage of the processor or ram.


New Member
IMO flexi doesnt use the much of the pc resources im guessing it only uses the software or maybe i have no clue what im talking about.....it is kinda early in the am...lol
Jayhawk - I did notice a big difference when I bought my Inferno from Signburst. It cuts the time down but it's still anoying.

I guess it must just take Flexi time to deal with all the points like Trant said. I guess I have lived with it all these years.

Thanks for the info.