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Flexi Cloud issues


Member for quite some time.
Anyone else having issues with cloud connecting in the last 12 hours or so? Of course it's saturday and I can't get any support...
I believe this cloud issue has something to do with me not being able to connect to my Roland RF 640 as well. I need to print and it won't connect to the printer from flexi. It will through versa works so it has to be an issue with flexi. TCP/IP is correct. I can't poll size or print at all with flexi.
I'm going to try and see if my pro 4 will connect right now. Any thoughts?? Thanks



Member for quite some time.
Pro 4 won't connect either...

Tried adding a new setup...same thing...no connection.

It does connect to my graphtec cutter however. but that's usb


James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
I believe this cloud issue Any thoughts?? Thanks Ryan

I've considered the cloud for several software titles we run, but I've been reluctant to jump in due to what you're saying...that and the continual payments.



Member for quite some time.
I purchased it in full but I hear ya. I'm not crazy about the continual payments as well. Forced to do it in Adobe.

I understand these software programs are going to have bugs and issues from time to time, however, if they are going to push things like this they should be open 24/7 or at least have a few people on on the weekends. If I have an issue, I'd rather take care of it after hours not on Monday morning at 9 am. I'm making signs at that time!!!

Thinking about doing a windows system restore. I'm thinking this all has something to do with yesterday's SAI flexi cloud update that I did.

Drip Dry

New Member
Thinking about doing a windows system restore. I'm thinking this all has something to do with yesterday's SAI flexi cloud update that I did.

If that's the case, then it was great timing... Do an update on Friday and go home for the weekend. We'll see if anybody complains on Monday


New Member
Any resolution rydod? I'm supposed to 'upgrade' to flexi cloud tomorrow morning, but have a massive pile of work orders as well. The last thing I need is to spend half the day messing with software.

Drip Dry

New Member
Any resolution rydod? I'm supposed to 'upgrade' to flexi cloud tomorrow morning, but have a massive pile of work orders as well. The last thing I need is to spend half the day messing with software.

Not sure what rydods end result will be but if your upgrading, I'll tell you not to worry.
I upgraded on 2 machines last month and everything went smooth. Been working fine


New Member
No Issues

I tried to add printers, cutters etc over the weekend several times and had no issues.
No issues here. Sounds like it's a computer thing. Maybe you updated the wrong virus software or something. Seems like people always have connection issues after virus updates. Or maybe the current virus program you have didn't like he update for Flexi