Well, for us, Flexi has had it's bugs for quite a few years, but it's been getting more annoying lately. We've been updating regularly in the past few years since subscriptions, and even now being on 'Complete' hasn't really fixed anything.
• PM still disconnects on a daily basis, which then causes Rip & Print to hang. Hasn't made sense to me that 2 programs, that are designed to work together (from the same manufacturer) can't always stay connected on the same PC. And it won't reconnect unless you kill everything in task manager and reopen.
• Color settings and a few other preferences seem to always want to revert to a default setting. I've made it a habit of constantly checking every tab before sending a job, which to me, defeats the whole purpose of presets.
• Working with gradients in a file acts wonky when you need to move or rearrange the element, it shifts them around and changes the design.
We had a Summa S-160 T (2008 build date) that would just stop cutting near the end of a job like it was all finished (usually the last 6-10 inches or so). So I contacted Summa and they said the motherboard/screen needed replaced for over 1K, So we went ahead and upgraded to an S2-160 OPOSCAM. Put Flexi on a new PC and started fresh...the new cutter does the same exact thing when using Flexi. I think Flexi's drivers for that cutter are the culprit, but that hasn't been fixed yet either.
Don't get me wrong, most of the time Flexi works well, and has contributed to making us some good money over the years. But it's these little annoyances that make it very difficult to contend with on a daily basis. Prices constantly rise, but yet there are things that should be looked into if they expect us to continue to support their software.
* Side note
While I'm not 100% sure, I also suspect Windows Updates may help contribute to this problem because it causes issues with other software, other than Flexi... and for the developers, maybe Windows keeps messing it up. Hard to tell nowadays.
Just my .02