Actually, the Redsail plotters are good quality by Chinese standards, and pretty keenly priced in comparison with the bigger names. They were even carried by a large warehouse-type seller in the States at one stage, they may still be but I haven't checked. Either way, I bought and own the larger 52" RS1360C. It wasn't the cheapest plotter available, but it it's well built and has a laserpointer/red-dot/laser registration feature which they included on their machines well ahead of their competition. So no, it's not a cheap Chinese import, but rather one of the better Chinese imports.
I was told by the national distributor that their RS720C model is a bit fiddly to set up when cutting decals longer than a metre, as the vinyl needs to be aligned with greater care than their other models.
Thanks Steph! Obviously we think so, too. :^) But we had some early contra-success with the Chinese cutters when they started becoming popular, which was a nightmare, with return and failure rates in the 40% range. Really awful. They're all better now, to a degree. But even that didn't convince the owners of SignWarehouse to get back into Chinese cutters.
Then I saw Redsail at a trade show, and was impressed. The build quality was vastly superior to the injection-molded junk we were seeing coming our of China. Plus Redsail is a highly respected brand in China, having been the first, best and as a result, most expensive cutters made in China. The SignWarehouse brass thought it worth another go, and let of go old fears. I chose to name it Vinyl Express R Series, since VE is our registered private label trademark, and R Series is for made by Redsail, which is also branded on the cutter, along with our R Series lable, since we believe Redsail is the premium cutter from China.
Also, with the volume we could commit to, Redsail could get the cost closer to market. We're about $100 over the cheap plastic cutters, which ain't too shabby since since they were over double the price of other Chinese cutters when we were first introduced to Redsail. And it's been a resounding success. Many 1000s are out there making vinyl signs, reliably. And we're happy that hobbyists and folks starting out have a way to get what they need and can afford.
Thanks again. I owe it to the product, but can't help feeling some personal pride. And the job security is a nice added benefit :^)
Best Regards,