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Need Help Foam board on a UV flatbed printer getting warped.


New Member
So we just purchased a CET flatbed printer and we have ran corrugated on it no problem all day. Well today I had a customer who wanted a map on foam board, I decided to give it a go and no matter what I do the print head strikes the edge of the board, usually right a the end of the print. I believe it is heat related, either way it is some bull shit. I was wondering if anyone has experience dealing with this and if so, what are some work arounds or techniques you use to print successfully on foam board using a UV flatbed? Thanks in advance.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
We have an HP Scitex. I would suggest turning the sheet over so the curl is down, and increase the vacuum. Heat really likes to affect pvc materials, but I've never had an issue with foamcore unless it was warped before putting it in the printer.


Prints stuff
Can you confirm it’s not warped before it goes in? Ours always comes in with a nice curve on it. Usually have to lay it all flat and put some heavy stuff on it for a day or two before using it

Christian @ 2CT Media

Active Member
Three things to check/adjust:

Is your Foam Board flat on the edges? If not flip it over and let the vacuum suck the center down instead of the edges

Adjust your Lamp power output if possible. This can build up too much latent heat in the media.

Only run 1 curing lamp Leading or Trailing, not both. Some media do not like excessive heat and can warp.

To answer your question, Yes both on our HP Scitex when we had it and now on our Vanguard with amazing results.


Premium Subscriber
A true flatbed and it cannot keep less than a pound piece of material flat ?? Are you pre-cutting it and if so, what size. Maybe at a small size, the substrate just will not stay flat.


New Member
We print on 60"x96"x3/16" foamboard all day long with a HP Scitex 550 hybrid flatbed without any head strike issues. My suggestion is to ensure you are are storing the foamboard flat. It takes up a lot of space, but it makes all the difference in maintaining flat sheets.


Merchant Member
We use gilman all the time whether 48x96 or 60x96. "Play the Curl" as I always say. If its crowning some, put the curling side up with edges down. Depending on the size of your bed, you an always increase the vac by putting thin PVC or paper on either side of the sheet to close off the vacuum more and allow for full suction. Lamp heat is an issue as well if you have Merc vapor. LED's dont cause that issue most of the time. Double sided on foam is a PITA. We usually go directly to Ultraboard DP for 4/4 printing. Just don't want too screw around with warp from foam at all in that case. Let us know how you made out.


New Member
Is it a full 4 x 8 print, or is the map smaller? If smaller, just tape the egdes.
Don't use hi power lamp mode for foamboard or try turning one lamp off. It will still cure, just be a bit shinier.
Obviously, check for curl beforehand. I have same issue with my CET when printing to regular white corrugated board for boxes.
Two-sided tape will work, but will rip off the paper face on back side. If its not a full 4x8, then center the image and tape reverse side.
I've actually chased the vacuum before where you leave the two front zones on and turn two back zones off until head gets to about halfway, then turn the back ones on and the front ones off.