i used Suitcase for years and years, but was always on the look-out for something better. a few years ago there was a great thread here on s101, and based on input from other members, i switched to FontAgent Pro. LOVED IT...... until...
something about the licensing change. i made sure before purchasing it that, one license allowed me to run it on both my desktop aaaaand my laptop. it did, and life was good, all the fonts playing nice together, auto opening and closing as need... 2 years of font bliss.... till they decided to UN-allow it to run on my laptop if it was open on my desktop. which would be understandable if that was the deal when i bought it, but it wasn't. so, not only will i NOT buy a second license i won't renew/update my current one, even though FontAgent runs like crap with the current OS.
not sure i want to go back to Suitecase.... the search for font nirvana continues.