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Fonts suddenly not showing up on CoreldrawX7


New Member
Hi all, I have been using X7 for a number of years now. Happy with it until last week when installed fonts stopped showing up in my file graphics. I have win10, using Bitstream Font Navigator. In Font Nav, some of the installed fonts show up but most of them just show a blank where the font sample should be. If I drag them off the installed side over to my catalog and reinstall them back they will show up. Could a Windows update have messed this up? I have about 180 installed fonts.


Dammit, make it faster!!
Yes, a Microsoft update about 2-3 months ago is the culprit. I'm still having font issues. Design and save then open a week later and the font is missing.


New Member
I found this box unchecked after the update. This got the fonts back in the short term but I've lost them again several times. A restart usually fixes it - but I've had to restart a couple of times on my last loss.



  • font problem fix.png
    font problem fix.png
    478.6 KB · Views: 357


New Member
I just read that if you installed the fonts through a font manager that is the problem. So I am re-installing them through the Windows folder, hopefully that works.


New Member
Any time I use a font navigator, be it BFM, or Nexus, it deletes or changes fonts whenever i use it. So I don't use one at all anymore. Even the Corel people hooked up to my computer and couldn't figure it out. It happened in Windows 7, 8.1. I haven't tried it on my Windows 10 computer


New Member
Update: I loaded all my fonts directly to the Windows font location and it worked. The only problem is it loaded 2000 fonts into Font Navigator so I had to move most of them from the active column there. Considering Windows did this update months ago I'm amazed I haven't had problems much earlier. Thanks Windows for taking up a day's worth of my time to identify and fix the problem. :-( Thanks for you replies.
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Active Member
Thanks Windows for taking up a day worth of my time to identify and fix the problem.

This is precisely why I'm a fervent believer in not having production rigs connected to the internet. Not only does it take care of any malicious code that might be remotely injected into the local network, but it also helps deter instability due to updates. I remember numerous posts over the years were MS updates caused issues and this is only going to get worse due to the rolling nature of Windows now.

Oh, that reminds me, another major update is due out next month. Those usually go over so well.


New Member
In additition to sewfun52`s answer, I also had success with deleting the fontcahce file in C:\\Windows\System32\FNTCACHE.DAT and rebooting.

Best regards


New Member
:Coffee:Yes, still using XP on many of my CNC's, with no problems whatsoever. Not hooked up to the internet, never will be.

I love not updating my stuff.


Active Member
:Coffee:Yes, still using XP on many of my CNC's, with no problems whatsoever. Not hooked up to the internet, never will be.

I love not updating my stuff.

I'll still update hardware (and the Linux OS that runs it), but I'll still use the old Windows versions through VM. I don't use XP (never did personally like that OS version), but I'll run everything from Win 98 to Win 8.1 in a VM. Ironically, even production machines that were manufactured after Win 98 went EOL, they can still be driven by software that runs on Win 98.

In some instances, I do believe in upgrading and updating (especially hardware), but if something legacy can be preserved, especially via software (like using an older OS in a VM) and it still works on newer hardware, then that's where I start thinking about not updating.

The idea of having production rigs needing to be connected to an outside network is not good in my opinion. And that's where instability can go from, either through malicious code or through a wonky update and Windows (Mac has had it's share of update issues and I have less sympathy for them as they have a tighter lock on hardware that runs their OS) does not have the best history of updates and the rolling release nature of Win 10 (which essentially makes the OS in perpetual beta stage in my opinion) just makes it worse. It can range from mild to mind blowing infuriating, especially when having to wait for an update to come from the software vendor to have the software in question work with the latest OS build version.