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New Member
Good day everyone :0)

I got reading around and read somewher ethat loading up the windows FONTS folder with too many fonts will slow your computer down. Is this true? I havent noticed anything and donthave too awful many loaded in. If this is the case how do we go about using a seperate FONTS_FLEXI folder?

thanks greatly andhave a good day -- lol -- evening for some


the graphics co

New Member
Too many fonts loaded will slow down your programs and your computer. I have had a situation where photoshop wouldn't even open because the number of fonts crashed it every time. There are font management programs that let you organize and activate fonts as you need them. I use font agent pro, there are a few others out there, works great.

P.S. It takes a very large number of fonts to slow you down, i think i had close to 3000 loaded when photoshop was crashing.


New Member
I doubt the number of fonts would crash your computer versus a corrupt one! Keep fonts clean and you will be happier and more productive.


New Member
I have about 32,000 fonts loaded on a portable hard drive so that it doesn't slow my computer down.

James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
I use a font manager (Suitcase Fusion) and can turn fonts "on" and "off" as needed. Fonts that are turned "off" do not consume RAM.



New Member
Thank you for all your responses-- I searched some but didnt really get a direct answer. Got lots of Font helps and for sales ;0) I dont have to many really but I can see where it can get out of hand. Trying to look ahead.


James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
I dont have to many really but I can see where it can get out of hand. Trying to look ahead.

The nice thing about a font manager is that you can organize fonts by any category you want: style, customer, jobs, etc...

You might want to consider one now, before you have so many fonts that it makes organizing them a chore.

Search features are very handy, and two more good reasons are backup security and portability. When I set up my new computer, I was able to migrate all my (thousands and thousands) of fonts in just a matter of minutes.

Those features alone were worth the price of the program.



New Member
Thank you James -- researching somenow -- lol nows the time :0)

SNS -- how do you pull up the fonts in your program? EXAMPLE -- using Flexi, I can store them on a external while calling and using them in Flexi and NOT being in the windows font directory ? Ultimately thats what I would like to do if possible.

thanks for all the responses folks,
