No. It is mine, neener neener neener.
Seriously though whatcha need to know?
This is on my RS1650 not sure what you set-up is like. This thing is bone simple. Go to Harbor Freight and get one of those wheeled feety type counters like in the pic. Remove the handle. Take a piece of scrap Apex board, plywood whatever you have layin' around that is 5/8"-3/4" thick.
Cut it about 2 or 3 inches wide and 6 inches long.
Accurately measure the width of the footy counter.
Cut slot in board the same depth as body of that footy counter thingy only slightly smaller. You want a press fit, adjust with file.
Make an "L" shaped piece like in the pic.
The L shaped piece goes over the front to hold it in the slot.
Push counter dealy into slot.
Place L shaped piece so it holds counter in slot
Screw shoot L shaped piece to slotted part
Find appropriate stud bolt whatever and mount it to that.
It so happened that one of the useless guards I removed provided a perfect mounting pin. Guess I got lucky,
Once you build the base unit just hold it up to the machine and mounting points will become evident.
BTW it has to be on the Left as viewing machine from the front otherwise it runs backwards. ummm...ask me how I know, DOH!