I have a JV3 that has been just great until last Friday. I thought I needed to do a simple head alignment to get rid of cyan halos. Now I've installed a new pump, two new heads (one was bad) , new dampers, and new head data cables. I do a test draw and everything fires clean but the mechanical slant adjust, and y base show the cyan as a total mess. I set up a small block to test print the crispness of magenta, cyan and yellow. Magenta and yellow look great, cyan looks like one fast pass with an air brush. I am using Lyson inks. It looks like I've wasted 1800.00 in part not to mention another grand in paying someone else to do my printing. I'm open for suggestions, I am going in tomorrow to see what I can come up with? Dryer sheets? Firmware update? Switch back to OEM ink? PLEASE HELP!!!