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Fuel Tank Graphics & Pricing



Hey guys, I have to go tomorrow and bid a job on re-doing a companies fuel tanker in a state nearby (PA)

I don't know the measurements just yet but i do have a photo of the truck that needs replacement graphics. Guessing they may be 2x7'?

If that sizing is the case, Without removal i'd be at $364

What price range would you be at with this job? 1 color, cast vinyl and just the two sides with the 3 lines. I will be removing the old vinyl also.



  • 1.jpg
    69.3 KB · Views: 125


I am working on getting them down, Just asking the folks here their input


New Member
trucks that size have RIMS ........20-22" across. the drivers side door, 36-42" wide. scale it from those. you sizes, 2 X 7=14 sq ft X 2 =28 sq ft X $10 s.f. = $280.00. removal of old vinyl, clean and prep, at least $10 an hour. i would say at least 3-4 hours. $280 + $40= $320.00..................+ travel............

Charlie J

New Member
For $10/hr I'll stay home. You can't cover your overhead and other expenses at that rate. Not to mention $4.00/gal in fuel.


New Member
2 trips out of state, layout and install tanker; 364 bucks.

I'd say you have your prices down. Way down.
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Mike Paul

Super Active Member
Vinyl and adhesive removal runs apx $75 -$100 an hour.
$10 an hour labor rate? Rapid remover is close to $50 a gallon...


Quit buggin' me
Vinyl and adhesive removal runs apx $75 -$100 an hour.
$10 an hour labor rate? Rapid remover is close to $50 a gallon...

Steamer would be way cheaper if you have power close by.
With an unpainted tube like that a well lubricated stainless steel scraper could also be used without damaging the tank.

I am with you on the $10.00 an hour being too low.

wayne k
guam usa


2 trips out of state, layout and install tanker; 364 bucks.

I'd say you have your prices down. Way down.

Just because something is out of state doesn't mean it's far away.

I live on the mason dixon line which is the division line between MD and PA and place is 2 miles away from me.

BTW, i just noticed in my pricing software i selected calendered vinyl instead of cast, yikes! The cast price is $450 not including removal.
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New Member
I SAID.......$10 AN HOUR....for easy figuring, make it $20, $30 or $65........it was just an example........brainics))))


New Member
I hope you are using cast. The last one I did was $500.
But that was 10 years ago, hand-painted.


Came within $34 of my competitor on this job. I'd say my pricing was spot on after re-configuring my new program!

Thanks everyone!