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Funeral Knell


Active Member
I have to wonder if this is getting to be more of the official beginnings of a death knell for the MS local account? I get it, they have their 842 partners to process our data with MS apps (atleast with Outlook), having an MS account will really help with that and the "improvements" that they can make with their products.



Premium Subscriber
I'm more worried about all the phone calls we get about making our funeral arrangements. What do they know, that I don't ??


Active Member
I'm more worried about all the phone calls we get about making our funeral arrangements. What do they know, that I don't ??
I usually get these old folk retirement packages related to my parents. "Peaceful Pastures, we care so you don't have to".


Active Member
I have to wonder if this is getting to be more of the official beginnings of a death knell for the MS local account? I get it, they have their 842 partners to process our data with MS apps (atleast with Outlook), having an MS account will really help with that and the "improvements" that they can make with their products.

the option is still available, they are free to not document, i suppose....


Active Member
during windows setup

or just add an account
"i do not know his information" when asked for email


Active Member
it will be interesting to see what they do in the dreaded windows 12

did you see they intend to bang you $400 per pc if you don't upgrade to windows 11 next october? CHARGING FOR THE SECURITY UPDATES


Active Member
the option is still available, they are free to not document, i suppose....
When documentation was available and now is not, that is telling (I am speculating, but we have seen things pulled from versions that previously had the options when it comes to Windows). That is usually a sign of deprecation starting.

Just like with documentation, they are also free to pull the local account setup as well. I can easily see baby steps in getting something like this done. They have been pushing their MS account for quite a while. Just by making things harder (I have seen a few options that need powershell to do, I always find it ironic considering the biggest complaint that people have with Linux is the CLI (I always maintain the most efficient lines of communicating and/or problem solving any computer/OS has always been via CLI, but I digress)).

Most people are used to online accounts now as it is, either due to SaaS or Chromebooks etc. I have to wonder if the normie actually cares anymore.


Active Member
it will be interesting to see what they do in the dreaded windows 12

did you see they intend to bang you $400 per pc if you don't upgrade to windows 11 next october? CHARGING FOR THE SECURITY UPDATES
Win 12, will be far, far worse I would imagine.

As to the security update charge, I actually could play devil's advocate on that. It is a product that they no longer support and usually 10 yrs is the EOL on Win OS (why I never bought the Win 10 being the last OS, they had an EOL on it from the beginning, no need if they were just going to do major updates and not change the versioning number of the OS (not the build number mind you).

I suspect that they may also try to push the notion that they don't want another XP situation on their hands and as much as later Windows OS (and programs) need for needless reasons to be always connected to the internet and one of the best ways to nudge consumer (not really customers, just more consumers now) behavior is in the ole pocketbook.