To me.... it stands as it stands.
I don't think anyone was trying to maliciously hurt Fred, but Fred does have something here and as much as he tries to stay fair and open minded... there are always going to be those little grey areas that you need to address.
He addressed it and it seems like those of you sticking together are more or less trying to find a loophole in Fred's thinking or better yet... integrity.
He has nothing to defend. He has single~handedly done more for the good of this industry, not only in this website, but his business, business model, contributions and inventions to the sign industry.... plus all of his knowledge donated here at 101.
You guys wanna come in here and bash him for defending that which is his ?? Give me a frickin' break and I ain't blowing no smoke up his ass. In my opinion, you can't find a more fair or generous person than Fred and I've never met the man face to face, but I sure do like what I hear and read from him.
Sure, no one here is doubting Fred's intentions.... now, but to attack a person for what is his and what he gives... is far from what some of you are actually saying.
Others here have tried to go off and do it on their own... only to fall flat on their faces. I don't believe Fred is a hindrance to whatever any of you want to do on your own, but to bring that stuff here.... is just not kosher. Perhaps, the OP didn't think so at the time, but rather than defending himself and putting up a stink.... he apologized and made his intentions known. So why not let this whole thing go to rest and stop sounding ridiculous ??