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Gemini Installation Question


New Member

I need to figure out the best method of installation on an uneven metal bldg - see attached pic...would you all suggest the rail system offered by Gemini or would you try another method ....the corrugation is 1.5" deep & 12" apart from center



  • SPLIT.jpg
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New Member
I would use a rail system.

Unless you want to spend all your time, on site, trying to get all the letters flush and cursing when the pads don't land right where you want them.

Layout & mount at shop, couple hours on the job - my 2 cents.


New Member
um, not to sound too much like a girl but... If I can do it, anyone can. and with all those letters you'll have plenty of practice :D I just use something for a measurement of the depth of the corrugation and then I know how far to wind the pad down to get them flush.


New Member
is there a trick for getting the right adjustment so the letters are perfectly flush to one another?

Do you care to elaborate? I love tricks!

When I install the letters to metal siding I leave the pads off of the studs that land on the extruded area and use the pads on the rest of the studs to keep the faces of the letters flush.

I'm sure the installation takes longer than when using the raceway, but like mentioned above, the raceway looks cheap.

And you can always cut of part of the pad off if it lands in an awkward spot.

Sign Prophet

New Member
Could you just cut some spacers out of pvc or aluminum tubing and use the spacers and longer studs to get them all flush?