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Gerber Edge Opposite of a blown pixel?


Active Member
I have a file I am printing that has black fade bottom to top. After printing several with no problem there is now a horizontal black line appearing a few inches up. I cleaned the printhead well. Tried different foils and vinyl. Rebooted the printer. Disconnected and reconnected the cables. Any ever have this issue? I thought a blown pixel meant a white, unprinted line. Any suggestions?


  • 1.jpg
    768.8 KB · Views: 316

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
It makes me wonder if somehow the gradient in the file has a stroke applied to one of the bands ... if that makes sense. Have you reexamined the file itself in Composer?


Active Member
Yes, it fine.
I think I will try creating a fresh one and see if it happens.
I managed to get the job done by putting a blank box under it to shift it up so the streak was in the solid black part.