New Member
I found an awesome deal on an Edge 2 with an Envision plotter so I picked them up to replace my Edge LE/GS15 Plus. The Edge only has around 1,000 print minutes on it and both machines look brand new. I got the printer set up this morning and have been running some test prints. The first thing I noticed is it is much faster than the LE in 300x300 dpi mode. I changed it to 300x600 Double Dot and ran another test print and I really can't tell the difference in appearance of the prints, just speed. Are there some other settings that I need to adjust to get the most out of the higher resolution setting? I am running it with Flexi Cloud. Any other pointers/suggestions regarding things that are different between my old setup and this new setup would be great! I am going to have to do some reading about the Envision, it looks a lot more complicated than the old GS15 Plus!