It was truly a learning experience. So many variables came into play. What type current.... Delta or Wye, three phase, single phase, climbing telephone poles... you name it.
Turned out we needed a .75 buck/booster transformer. We were indeed at 247/8 volts and the equipment needed it closer to 230. Since electric dips around here in the warmer months for everyone, we couldn't put a transformer in that went down to 230 completely or when the summer rolls around, we'd be well under 230. Everything was calculated out between our new electrician, an electrical engineer and the supply house. We then gave our findings to the manufacturer of the machine and they Okayed it... and the electrician is installing it as we speak.
The part about getting the manufacturer to Okay it was because their directions and spec sheet were somewhat confusing. Seems that they had written out just about every scenario possible and some things overlapped and conflicted with each other. So, with getting them to sign off.... we don't violate any warranty
on our new purchase.