I am looking for logos like this that are high quality. All the ones I copy and paste off the internet look all grainy when I blow them up. Is there a program I can use to make them look better? I want to print JEEP Parking signs and stuff like that to sell.
I just read your request tonight.
I found and called the GM rep for just this. He sent me the paperwork to fill out to use the GM logos in my production for resell.
Said the cost is $2500 per year for permission. I didn't do it I don't have enough business. Asked him about people selling logo stickers his answer is that " we're shutting them down daily" Not worth trying without written permission from anybody, GM Coke Disney Harley Davidson Ford and more will eventually find out and seller will get in much legal trouble and fines. not worth it.
NOTE: I did receive permission a few years ago from GM to use the logos, CORVETTE and CHEVY in my not for profit Corvette Club I had started. Had to fill out paperwork and i did get written permission for club use only and not for resell, this didn't cost anything.