No. Printers generate lighter colors by setting less dots in wider distance.
There are some possibilities to optimize, but nothing to avoid it:
Some printers use smaller dots on lighter colors. So they can print more dots in closer distance without loosing the light appearance. This is named „variable drop size“.
Some printers use light inks, so they can print lighter tones with more density.
Some RIPs could switch between different types of dithering. They use for example „rougher“ dithering methods to improve ripping speed on bigger prints (where grainyness dont matter because of the viewing distance), while offering to use smoother dithering optional.
Some printers have overall bigger droplets than others. Latex 300 has 12 picoliter drops (non variable), older Roland SP300 has a minimum of around 7 Picoliter drops (variable), current epsons around 3,5 Picoliter.
Sometimes settings for the ICC-profile could lead to grainyness too.