Hmm...looks to be 77.50 for a 2 pack. You must not be talking about the standard blades.
Ahh. Didn't see it say a 2 pack. Thats pretty cheap! I just checked my local supplier. 5 pack of CB09 is $330. 2 pack is 147... So $66 CAD + 14% gst/pst, if buying by the 5 pack. $75 canadian per blade. CB15, which we use for diamond grade / engineer grade, is $330 for a 2 pack.
Canada has..."Slightly" higher prices, even when factoring in the exchange rate. But like I mentioned... I pay $2 per blade. I figured even if I had to change it out monthly, vs every year, it's still cheaper. I was presently surprised/happy that it's been 6 months, and showing no sign of wear yet. And at this price, I can get a 5 pack of each type/degree, and it wont break the bank

I havent tested the blade holder I paid $12 for yet (Onlyone in stock by my local supplier seems to be a green tip, and it's going for $260 canadian... Seems to be about $140 on graphtecs site, so sounds about right). It's crazy the price they charge for these things, when it costs them pennies to make.
I love to support the local supplier when I can, but when it's 99% cheaper to purchase online, it's hard to say no. (And just to point out... I don't blame the supplier. It's graphtec that sets these prices...And people pay it, so I see nothing wrong with that either. Supply and demand!)