New Member
Can anyone suggest who to call for fc2250 repair for South Carolina?
I have the same machine but in the UK
What's the problem may be able to help
Ops not good. I have 3 different graphtecs and apart from one optical sensor all other faults have been to do with flat cables.
Hope sorted soon
Have you ever had to solve a tool position alarm in the origin position. Happens about 10 seconds after startup and only tool 2Ops not good. I have 3 different graphtecs and apart from one optical sensor all other faults have been to do with flat cables.
Hope sorted soon
thanks. will doCheck with https://einsteings.com/ out of Wisconsin. A decade ago they were an authorized Graphtec repair service, probably still are.
Can we talk about how to install the y cable?Ops not good. I have 3 different graphtecs and apart from one optical sensor all other faults have been to do with flat cables.
Hope sorted soon
Left you voicemail.I have two fc2250's that are down. One is working. Let's talk.
Richard Turner
864-578-7844 office