• I want to thank all the members that have upgraded your accounts. I truly appreciate your support of the site monetarily. Supporting the site keeps this site up and running as a lot of work daily goes on behind the scenes. Click to Support Signs101 ...

greetings from the netherlands


New Member
i am new to this forum. My name is Arjan and I am owner of a company www.screen70.nl We do screenprinting, digital printing and lasermarking.
Always curious about new materials and techniques, and I am willing to sharing knowledge on this forum.


New Member


this site is...

OH H3LL, nobody cares anymore.

Looking at the first 5 posts by this new visitor looks to be the next signs101 pinata.


  • PINATA.jpg
    7.2 KB · Views: 126


New Member
Hello welcome aboard.

i am new to this forum. My name is Arjan and I am owner of a company www.screen70.nl We do screenprinting, digital printing and lasermarking.
Always curious about new materials and techniques, and I am willing to sharing knowledge on this forum.

I was just thinking about the Netherlands. I have a Summa Plotter made in the Netherlands that has been a great machine for the past 13 years. It does not owe me a penny. I am having some issues with the machine and will be needing some parts. Summa has a facility in Boston and in Seattle so parts are not a problem. Its a great machine, made by a great company by some great people. Welcome to the US
Jim Kesler Keslerl4signs@gmail.com

PS If I can help you with anything let me know. The only screen work I do is my own work clothing.


New Member
thanks for the warm welcome all,

Still struggling with the response from Vinylman, but that is probably because I live on another continent,
At least I know now what a pinata is (by using google) .. strange...