And that's funny Andy... we left them as our main supplier several years ago because the customer service in our area really sucked. It really does show you how things can vary from location to location.
I believe building a relationship with your vendor is at least as important as building one with your customer... or maybe more.
Something I have done a couple times in the past, when I have taken over graphic departments, I tell them that I want to buy as much stuff as I can from one vendor as possible, BUT I don't want to talk to whoever answers the phone (like Fellers) &
I don't want to wait for a sales person out in the field to get around to calling me, I want one go-to person who will be watching my orders and will go to bat when they drop the ball & as stated, they have pull my butt out of the fire several times.
In return, my rep would call me every once in a while and let me know he was a little shy of his quota on a product, & ask if I could go ahead and get a few for inventory & I would be happy to do it.
I hate calling and arguing prices...why dont they just offer stuff at a good price.
Every company is higher on somethings and lower on others, even us... I tell customers, that I know are bidding jobs, that "they need to let me know if I end up being too high, they are not going to hurt my feelings if they
comeback and ask if I can match or beat someone's price"