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Grimco-- no Warranty!


New Member
We use oracal calendar (print AND cut) all day long on flat surfaces (van panels, vehicle doors, etc) and have had good luck with no failures or redos. Maybe we're doing something differently...


Merchant Member
Bad call on the IJ 35 there. Have to agree...IJ 40 wouldve been a little better but not much. We ALWAYS use cast on vehicles unless they want cheapie bumper stickers or the like.


New Member
You can give up that fight. It ain't gonna happen for you. Best just to listen to all the good advice here and consider it a lesson learned. At least the roll didn't cost you much :banghead:

Kentucky Wraps

Kentucky Wraps
House brand, economy vinyl with up front statement about NO WARRANTY.
In the words of a famous boy named Nelson..."Ha Ha"

JK...but really...you get what you pay for. Sorry about that.