if the problem wasn't so consistent, i would agree with you. but, the electrolytic only effects the middle circle? doubtful i would think.Tbh you might be experiencing interference.. As it's a VERY old machine theres virtually a 100% chance that the electrolytic caps in the psu and other circuits have now started to fail - it's very common in vintage equipment - so you'll now be getting ripple in internal power lines which does affect the main board - also many newer machines (pc's, basically anything using power) use switched mode psus which can introduce noise into the mains input - a ferrite bead can reduce inbound noise, but replacing the caps isn't a particularly hard task, but there might be a "few".
but, you are on the right track. if i am playing with one of my gerber 4b's or an edge, i would blow everything out with compuressed air, unseat every plug in chip CAREFULLY and reset. unseat every plug at least twice (spray with non lubricating contact cleaner if you have any) buy a cheap ESR meter on ebay for $20 and check all electrolytics, resolder all heavy pin connections on the bottom of the board
this has fixed more gerber edges (trunnions, le's and edge 2's ) than i can count