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Guitarists - Gear


New Member
Oh, and the amp I use is a B52 AT100 Tri-Mode Rectifier head with a 4X12 matching cabinet. I bought the whole setup for around $1100 a few years ago and that amp is awesome. A couple friends/bandmates use Mesa triple rec heads and have had them being repaired more than they are being used, I've not had one single problem with the amp I have and it sounds really good, especially for the price. It has really good bass and kickass overdrive.


New Member
Doyle, I have never heard of a B52 before now. I just googled it. It gets great scores on review sites and is pretty cheap! almost the same price as my AVT150 marshall which isn't all tube. What stlye music do you play? With your gear I'd guess you are into heavier stuff??


New Member





Circleville Signs

New Member
Hey everyone! I thought I'd throw my two cents in here. I'm a guitarist/singer/songwriter with a band (Fight the Years).

My gear is more extensive than my wife wishes it was :)

Ibanzez George Benson Artcore (Bobinga, with pearl inlays)
Ibanez AEL Jumbo Custom Acoustic
Ibanez AEF Acoustic
Stagg 12 string Electric/Acoustic
1957 Martin D-35 Acoustic (Pride and joy of my collection - inherited from my grandfather)
1980 Original Issue Dean Cadillac Sunburst

Tech21 300 Watt Solid State head
4x10" Custom Built cabinet

Use a EV Cardinal Condenser mic on stage and in the studio.



New Member
i've got a strat (my first guitar) and a tele (cheap craigslist find) and a few shoddy acoustics... i've sold everything else off, including a couple fender deville amps (hot rod and blues), jcm600, gibson sg gothic, paul 2, lp studio, and a bunch of a recording gear.

no reason to keep nice stuff, i don't play much anymore.


New Member
My lineup, sadly no longer together, Les Paul Jrs, 54, single Cut, just like the one here, a 57 Les Paul Special (Yellow, not TV), 1958 Les Paul Jr (TV Model) double cutaway nice rounded corners,1959 Les Paul TV Model double cutaway nice rounded corners, 1960 SG Special (first year was exactly like Les Paul Jrs) double cutaway, nice rounded corners, Tokai strats, teles, a bunch of Les Pauls (1980s) Standards, Gold Tops) A bunch of Amps.
My favorite distortion pedal? Dallas Arbiter FUZZFACE, OLD!
My two best amps? 1960 Fender Tweed Champ and a 1968 Hi Watt 50 watt amp that killed everything and everyone!

I don't play no more.

Likes classic guitars

hates new lookin poop.


New Member
Here's a iPhone picture from last night's picking session.

Not sure what is more aesthetically pleasing, the F style mandolin I built or the perfectly poured pint of Guinness.



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ABC Signman

New Member
My first electric guitar was a 1963 Fender Esquire. My next one was a 1965 Fender Mustang. After that it gets a little fuzzy. Now, I only have one acoustic guitar but it's a beauty. 1986 Guild D-66NT,co designed with George Gruhn. Sounds like a baby grand piano.

d fleming

New Member
Me, Seagull acoustic/electric 12 string, Ibanez Electric 12 string, Epiphone Sheraton, Marshal jcm 900, kustom 4/12, line 6 floor pedal, assorted stomp boxes, roland 2/10 jazz chorus, tons of Mackie PA, enough mikes to choke a horse ( mostly senheiser). I don't really play that much guitar I mostly sing. My guitar player has the 100 and 1200 Ibanez Satch guitar, several other Ibanez 6 stringers, fender strat and les paul, playing through either his Satriani signature head and kustom 4/12 or a line 6 -1/12 with palamino 32 watt tube head. He's got enough stomp boxes and gizmos to sink a ship.


New Member
Since we're playin' show'n'tell....Here's a shot of my workdesk where I keep a custom six string handy for long riptimes. The studio-jam space is thru the vinyl tunnel. I couldn't fit 'em all in for a group pic but you can see my tele and firebirds and a bunch of other noise makers I use to deafen myself and my neighbours.


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New Member
The post I've been waiting for. Music is my passion and even my degree is in music. Here we go. BTW, I worked 5+ years for a music retail store so it helps when you get good discounts.

1992 Gibson Les Paul Studio Lite
2000 Martin D-35 (w/ LR Baggs I-Beam Pickup)
Yamaha LL-6 acoustic (w/ LR Baggs I-Beam Pickup)
Yamaha TRB-6 Bass
Fender Hot Rod Deluxe amp
Ampeg SVT-2 Pro head w/ Ampeg 8x10 cabinet (great rock bass rig)
Mesa Boogie Walkabout bass combo
Fulltone Fulldrive 2, OCD, and Supa-Trem pedals w/ Pedaltrain board
Boss TU-2 Tuner (the best piece of equipment you can buy. The finest guitar and player in the world are nothing if not it tune)

Piece of gear I wish I had back:
Early '90s Fender 1957 Reissue Strat or
2005 Fender American Deluxe Strat

Piece of gear I would love to own:
Matchless Cheiftan or Bogner Shiva head w/ closed back 2x12 cabinet



New Member
I took lessons for a while until the kids came. I was learning on a 1962 Fender Jazz Master which my grandfather bought new and passed it on to me. Haven't touched it in about 9yrs some day I will get back at it.


New Member
Man, Cool question, and some even nicer gear. I think it is very evident that a musician is usually a very skilled artist as well. Nice to see so many in the business. Here is 1 of my walls with a few of my guitars. I run Ampeg Custom made heads and 2 ampeg full stack as well as a crap load of processing gear. Toured for 13 years, But I just don't play much at all anymore. Mostly have giving the stuff to my son, I do miss it sometimes though.


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New Member
Wow, old thread..... hey my band just finished up our CD (demo somewhat). Check it out at http://www.myspace.com/bitterrise

I play rhythm guitar/backing vocals. We have been gigging quite a bit the past 6 months. Just got to play a couple of shows (South Bend and Indy, IN) with some national acts, RiotGod (derived of members of Monster Magnet) and another band called Friends of Bill Wilson.

We have been playing these songs (on the page) for too long now, we are starting to write some new material....


New Member
BTW Check out the video for "another brick in the wall", I love covering that song, there are quite a few mistakes in that performance but it was fun (that was a longgggg night, sister-in-law got married and I was TANKED, managed to stay upright for most of the night.)


and yes, those are chicks dancing on a stripper pole towards the end, but the video is pretty crappy :(

mark in tx

New Member
After years of collecting all kinds of instruments and amps, I got rid of it all except for a Telecaster with Seymor Duncan pickups, a Peavey Classic with a Crate slant stack underneath it, and a Johnson J-Station for effects.
With this setup I can make it sound like anything from Abba to ZZ Top.