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Need Help Gx-24 Plotter USB not working.

Alex C

New Member
Hello everybody,

Having a gx-24 plotter which is not detecting the usb cable..
Is there a way to fix this issue out without replacing the main-board?
I've considered to replace the ic driver chip M66291 GP-2, very tricky job tho..



Premium Subscriber
alex, just to be clear, you plugged in a different laptop that has never connected to your plotter? just to be sure it isn't simply a usb history thing.

you need to find someone with a hot air desoldering/rework station

someone who does computer repair (a "real" properly equipped facility)
you used to be able to go to a place that fixed tv's or vcr's cameras or camcorders, but these days that is like telling you to find someone who puts horseshoes on


Premium Subscriber
you can probably find domeone like mac media on ebay.
he does repairs for certain models, you can search, find a listing & "contact seller" / "ask a question"


Premium Subscriber

change of advice
you have a serial port

lets get a pci serial cardand the correct cable from amazon

i will help you configure

you will be in for $40 or less & serial ports never go bad

you might be in for $200 or higher if we opt to fix the board & there is always a slim chance of destroying the board.

it's your call. configuring will be kind of a pain in the ass (think root canal) but it will have a success at the end of your adventure

if you have alaptop order a good usb serialadapter.

(sophie is having an ordeal with hers, but she will have a success at the end as well)

i did my first serial connection in the days when you booted your computer off a 5" floppy disk. no plug and play devices then.

so, if you order, i will work with you on this

Alex C

New Member
Hello NetSol, I've considered the option using the Serial Port.
The main issue was:
  • Lost connection problem, maybe it was badly configured or the serial to usb adapter is not compatible.
  • The "Get from Machine' wont work..


Premium Subscriber
usb to serial,convertors still need tobe setup
go to rolanddga.com then support, them cutting.
find your device, download user manual

go to page 3 and print it

you have dip switches, check them. whole row on off is default

whether you use usb serial or serial cable, all settings must match

on pc, go to device manager

open ports

choose your com port

choose properties

settings you want are either here or in advanced

make sure all settings match what you found for the plotter

any changes made, power both devices down.

start plotter first.

wait a minute, then start computer, setial devices only trybto link once, any change,
you need to restart

make sure settings are the same in your cutting program

Attila Nagy

New Member

did we get sophie working?

you and I seem to be the serial port experts, these days
It was OK. once after she did some changes vith the DIP switches. than wrong again. Could have some loose soldering on the serial Connection or on the mainboard. I'll see her on tuesday.

In here: Serial connection with correct settings and cablig, just as stable as usb,and readback works too. There are many same cases online with the same cutter. I did not have one to see myself. Would be nice if someone could send me a faulty motherboard or cutter to be able to investigate and share the solution.


Premium Subscriber
much more stable than usb

the best thing is, usb is VERY STATIC SENSITIVE, they die left & right, once heating season starts, from static electricity
that is why i always warn everyone to install a humidifier, especially if the work area is carpeted

as a rule, the serial connection is bullet proof

let me know if you need anything


Alex C

New Member
Hi Guys,
thank you for information and advice. Opting to go for the serial connection.

Do you have pinouts for roland DB9 to DB25 serial cable..

Attila Nagy

New Member
Hi Guys,
thank you for information and advice. Opting to go for the serial connection.

Do you have pinouts for roland DB9 to DB25 serial cable..


New Member

change of advice
you have a serial port

lets get a pci serial cardand the correct cable from amazon

i will help you configure

you will be in for $40 or less & serial ports never go bad

you might be in for $200 or higher if we opt to fix the board & there is always a slim chance of destroying the board.

it's your call. configuring will be kind of a pain in the ass (think root canal) but it will have a success at the end of your adventure

if you have alaptop order a good usb serialadapter.

(sophie is having an ordeal with hers, but she will have a success at the end as well)

i did my first serial connection in the days when you booted your computer off a 5" floppy disk. no plug and play devices then.

so, if you order, i will work with you on this
Hello,NETSOL, yes my GX-24 stopped detecting my USB. Verified cable not the issue. I wouldn't like to take out the motherboard to verify solder points of the USB port unless I really have to. I do have experience soldering.
***If the DIP switches are on the motherboard and need to be changed from Default (all OFF), then I might as well do the soldering: :) ***

I have "regular" computer knowledge. I have a Lenovo PC with only USB ports and Windows 10.

The below is from a 2020 Thead:
[My questions/comments in Brackets]

usb to serial,convertors still need to be setup
go to rolanddga.com then support, them cutting.
find your device, download user manual

go to page 3 and print it[t

you have dip switches, check them. whole row on off is default
[What settting should the dip switches need, leave all OFF?]

whether you use usb serial or serial cable, all settings must match
[I bought serial-usb parallel and a Null-serial female-female to plug on GX-24]

on pc, go to device manager

open ports

choose your com port

choose properties

settings you want are either here or in advanced
[which settings do I look for?]

make sure all settings match what you found for the plotter

any changes made, power both devices down.

start plotter first.

wait a minute, then start computer, serial devices only try to link once, any change,
you need to restart

make sure settings are the same in your cutting program [sorry which settings? ]