i think we've finally convinced the client they are insane. they want the item sprayed with flame retardant. fire retardant that has the exact same specs as the material itself.
this is what has gone back and forth at least 20 times (not joking)
me: Here is the paperwork that shows item has been tested and passed NFPA 701.
client: not good enough, i need something else
me: Here is another product, with a paper that says "FLAME CERTIFICATION" that says it passed NFPA 701
client: No. It needs to be certified by someone in NY.
me: first item was tested by a facility in NY. It says so on the form.
client: It needs to pass NYC standards
me: what are the standards?
client: The NYC standards.
me: ????
a little while later
client: what is the name and manufacturer of the material your using?
me: it SAYS the product name on the forms I provided, but here you go.
client: you must spray with flame retardant
me (actually my client, I'm a sub on this one): The approved FR passed NFPA 701, THE SAME STANDARD as the material. Its an extra $1500
client: oh, just move forward as originally planned.