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Have You Seen This ClipArt?


New Member
I need a clipart showing DO NOT PROP DOOR OPEN. Obviously I can type in the lettering, but they want a clip art of a door propped open within the red circle crossed through, like a no smoking sign. Any help?


New Member
Here ya go!


  • Untitled.jpg
    145.3 KB · Views: 90


Just Me
Not to be cruel but...

In the time it took to post the thread, look at istock and recheck this thread for answers, you could have drawn that easily...

I bet signguy didn't take 5 minutes to produce that.

Lunatic Taskbar

New Member
You could always add a little to Signguys sign. Whist its good it is a little sterile I would opt to add:

Or the leather winged beast of the underworld will hunt you down into the dark recesses of the world and will rip your flesh asunder... then devour your still beating heart in front of your eyes.

Just to keep it light hearted.


or is that not helpful?


New Member
BigDawg.... I know, and I told him Thanks just to "not be cruel" .... I had already made something... I was hoping someone had a door better than I could draw, but after about 15 minutes of nothing (while I worked on other projects) I made my own. But SignGuy put effort into what he made so i told him Thank You even though I was done. I still do not have a door like I wanted but, thanks guys!


New Member
No one has to stroke my ego! I've been here long enough not to expect it for such minor and amateurish things. I didn't post for you to use anyways...the copyright stays with me! :) LOL But just to show that 2 minutes and it was done...I feel the same way BigDawg does, but I just said it different. Not meant to be a finished product, but general concept! If you finished it already I would love to see it!
